Origins Online (ELC)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

About me

I guess it’s a good time to introduce myself, the blog owner – Northern Belle (as opposed to “Southern Belle”, just to prove that the girls from the North are as glamorous as the ones from the South) and share with you why I decided to create this blog:

1. I LOVE to see women walking down the street radiating a divine glow, an ethereal light because they feel confident in how they look and they feel beautiful.

2. I am a marketing expert by profession and I know how products are being marketed to customers, including pricing, advertising, and promotion. I HATE when companies try to trick you, my readers, into buying stuff that might not be right for you. I am ashamed of some of my “colleagues” and with this blog I am trying to undo some of the “damage” they create every day.

3. I started my career in a cosmetics industry and I know quite a bit about different beauty products manufactures and retailers.

4. I LOVE trying new stuff out, which includes “playing” with various beauty products, you can say it’s a kind of a hobby. I used to share my findings with friends and family but then I thought this information could benefit a wider audience.

5. I HATE to pay retail price for products I buy (and not just cosmetics) so I’ve done a lot of market research and now I know a lot of websites where I can get web discounts coupons and share them with you.

6. I LOVE writing. I wrote and published 1 book but, unfortunately, I don’t have time for another major “masterpiece”. Writing short articles for a blog is the best outlet for my creativity.
7. I do NOT currently work for any cosmetics company and I am NOT paid to promote any specific products. I am not a skincare specialist or an aesthetician. The views expressed in this blog are my personal views and opinions.

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